12 January, 2021 China Patent Office upholds the validity of REC Group’s patent against Hanwha Q Cells
9 December, 2020 Vindicating decision: US Patent Trial and Appeal Board invalidates claims of Hanwha Q-Cells US Patent asserted against REC Group
30 November, 2020 Consultation on REC Solar’s France project: A major first step towards a final decision
5 October, 2020 REC Group kicks off REConstruct program bringing clean energy to communities affected by natural disasters
2 July, 2020 After winning the 2020 Intersolar Award in Photovoltaics, REC Group’s global expansion roadmap continues to build on in-house innovation, ambition and excellence
1 July, 2020 Simply the best: REC Group wins prestigious Intersolar Award 2020 for its powerful Alpha solar panels
30 June, 2020 REC Group rejects decision by the Düsseldorf Regional Court on alleged patent infringement regarding TwinPeak solar cells
30 June, 2020 REC Group launches its game-changing ProPortal: the ‘one-stop shop’ for installers to boost their solar business