REC Group to further accelerate excellence in product innovation
Technology leader for continued innovation
Shankar leads a Technology team that seeds and nurtures breakthrough innovations at REC, such as the TwinPeak and N-Peak products. Shankar, who holds a Ph.D. in Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Physics from the University of Pittsburgh, started his career at REC in August 2006 at REC’s original module facility in Glava, Sweden. As the new CTO, he will continue to report to REC CEO Steve O’ Neil, and has a key role to play in leading REC Group’s vision of differentiated technology leadership.
“REC Group is a technology leader – and as well as having people ingrained in REC’s innovative culture, like our new CTO Shankar Sridhara in key roles, we also organize our internal structures to promote this culture of innovation,” says CEO Steve O’ Neil. “With his experience in forging the visions of next-generation products and technologies, I am confident that Shankar Sridhara will further accelerate REC’s position as a technology leader in the market.”
Exciting times for REC innovation labs and the industry
Shankar assumes his new role as CTO at an exciting time. A steady stream of innovations is emerging from REC’s R&D labs and factory, compelling evidence of REC’s ability to stay ahead of the technology curve. The REC N-Peak Series, launched last June, is the world’s first n-type mono solar panel with half-cut cells and twin design, and delivers high power output of up to 330 watt peak. Next out of the lab were two monocrystalline 60 and 72-cell products based on REC’s multiple-award-winning TwinPeak technology. Building on REC’s half-cut cell expertise – the company was in 2014 the first to commercialize half-cut cell technology – the new 60-cell TwinPeak 2 Mono and 72-cell TwinPeak 2S Mono 72 offer increased power output of up to 320 watt peak and up to 380 watt peak respectively.
Trailblazing new product in the pipeline
REC Group’s innovations continue this year, with the next trailblazing product. Emerging from REC’s leadership in half-cut cell technology, the new product will be the world’s first solar panel with half-cut n-type mono heterojunction cells and promises even more power output per square meter and lower BOS costs.
For further information please contact:
Agnieszka Schulze
Head of Global PR, REC Group
Tel.: +49 89 4 42 38 59 39
E-mail: agnieszka.schulze@recgroup.com
Leopoldstraße 175
80804 Munich, Germany
Managing Director: Cemil Seber
Court of Registration: Munich HRB 180306
VAT ID-No: DE266243545
High-resolution pictures available for download in REC’s Image Gallery.
About REC Group:
Founded in Norway in 1996, REC Group is a leading vertically integrated solar energy company. Through integrated manufacturing from silicon to wafers, cells, high-quality panels and extending to solar solutions, REC Group provides the world with a reliable source of clean energy. REC’s renowned product quality is supported by the lowest warranty claims rate in the industry. REC Group is a Bluestar Elkem company with headquarters in Norway and operational headquarters in Singapore. REC Group employs 2,000 people worldwide, producing 1.5 GW of solar panels annually.
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